Utilizing new ways to connect with clients, video conferecing allows you to expand the reach of your practice far beyond the steps of your office.
When the trauma is drawn out over a number of years, dissociation becomes a way of life. Once learned, it is a fixed part of the personality that asserts itself long beyond the original dangers that prompted it.
Dr. Matthew Mandelbaum sits down with Jimmie Morris of Psych Sessions to discuss Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). He explores who can be treated with DBT, goals of the therapy, treatment modalities, essential features, and more.
With so much confusion surrounding cybersecurity today, how do you ensure that you are doing everything necessary to protect your practice?
Theory U, Presencing, Focalizing, or whatever one might call it, to bring us to the core of nature’s wisdom within—allowing for the future that wants to emerge through us.
Westchester - Friday, November 3, 2017, 11:30pm-1pm Join us for this experiential and didactic workshop focusing on differential use of the stages of change model in treating addictions.
If a multi-billion dollar company that handles the information of over 800 million individual consumers lacks the resources or inhibited a level of intention that limited its ability to fight off cyber criminals, then how could a small healthcare provider fare better?
Early Sirens is the first book ever to offer critical health warning signs long before sleep apnea so you can take proactive steps to head off CPAP mask and sleep apnea’s many complications: heart attack, Alzheimer’s brain, acid reflux, chronic pain, fatigue, stroke, high blood pressure, and more.
Most clinicians have dedicated their entire lives to mastering their craft. What if I told you that the key to developing yourself further was to toss all of that knowledge out the window?
Picture a harmonious healthcare team where patients and staff thrive. Strategic advising can help you achieve this by providing targeted insights.