East Coast
This group of top-level clinicians meet in the heart of
and around the east coast region in order to connect with one another
regarding personal and professional life — thereby
creating community and partnership.
This group of top-level clinicians meet in the heart of
and around the east coast region in order to connect with one another
regarding personal and professional life — thereby
creating community and partnership.
The East Coast Group loves to exchange thorough, concise insights and discuss the cutting edge of healthcare. Members often seek to demonstrate their value through this approach in order to develop inter-member trust — leading to referrals and collaborative care.
When a quality referral is made between Metro Collaborative peers, everyone benefits.
The patient is receiving high-quality care and trust is further solidified.
With that trust, the patient can then refer new patients to both Metro Collaborative peers.
Provided great care continues, this cycle can continue.
Practices expand.
Understanding and trust result from time spent communicating the details of approach, treatment and patient care.
At every dinner, each member presents, in detail, how and why specific treatments are given and how well they work.
Case histories are presented as well.