A Virginia Group


This group of top-level clinicians meet in
Northern Virginia in order to connect with one another
regarding personal and professional life — thereby
creating community and partnership.


We Share Our Stories.
We Exchange Ideas.


The NOVA Group values connection and professionalism. Members seek effective, efficient communication and warm, well-intentioned exchange.


The NOVA Group is a truly warm community, with members seeking to make you feel comfortable and welcome from the get-go. Come prepared to be educated by peers of truly diverse backgrounds, who love to share exactly how their practices operate - and also detail the uniqueness of their professional focus.


Refer & Care for Patients

In-person interconnection remains essential — and as such we orchestrate six dinner meetings per year where you can present what you do well and learn from your peers.

With trust and understanding, the right words, tone, and emphasis occur — so patients are better served.



Our Members


Connect with your Peers
Enhance Care for your Patients