Clinical Communications


The Leader program provides clinicians, practitioners and professionals a group-oriented teaching strategy intended to yield perspective and accountability so they can approach business and life more confidently.


How Leader Works

Comprehensive and Malleable


Our process for Leader is comprehensive and malleable - each session is flexible and open, focusing on essential text for clinicians and healthcare entrepreneurs.



We provide you a booklist with ideas and concepts to consider when reading, along with various, fun assignments to help you think critically about the text you are reading.


Essential Readings

Our books and readings are carefully selected for personal and character development, by authors who spent their lives studying optimal lifestyle practices.


Break Down Readings

Our instructor engages you and goes over key aspects of the text so they can be healthily absorbed. 


Group Conversation

Have open discussions with your group so you can freely exchange ideas and gain new insights from your readings. 


Fun Assignments

Attend to interactive assignments that help you further internalize and understand your readings and group discussions. 


Communal Accountability

Hold each other accountable for reading and assignment completion; kindly challenge group-members on their interpretations and insights so collaborative understanding of the readings can be gained. 


Strengthened Perspective and Character

The result of this communication and collaboration is an expanded perspective on what it takes to become a better leader with a stronger character and a map forward to do it.


Our Members


Strengthen Yourself
Strengthen Your Practice