To address the need for partnerships among our city’s top clinicians, Metro Collaborative and Practice Success institute local “interdisciplinary collaborative groups.”
These groups of successful physicians, specialists, dentists, and mental health professionals meet to create community, understanding and professional referrals. Our groups are currently located in greater New York and Washington DC, with emerging groups in both Baltimore and Philadelphia.
Within our meetings, it's easy to connect, exchange ideas, and collaboratively generate new ideas to refine our practices. And within that exchange, owners seamlessly form successful strategic alliances, as well as cross referral partnerships. Local groups have much in common. To be sure, if we are able to refine our practices through a sophisticated network of professional communications, we will not only help ourselves, but also significantly improve the current patient-doctor relationship.
As we know, patients use search engine results to identify local specialists in medicine, dentistry, senior care, and also mental and alternative health. Such "blind and random" searches are far from ideal for the public, and are an expensive marketing endeavor for professionals.
Our groups allow you to know and trust skilled, local specialists, whose work is complementary to your own. In other words, your clients can receive referrals to other professionals that you know and trust, and vice versa. With these reciprocal relationships in place among committed group members, quality of care for everyone’s patients is high.
In addition to the these benefits, members have created office partnerships, open houses, staff sharing and other arrangements that have enhanced care and reduced overhead.
Within each group (which you can explore on this site), we have a limit of one professional per specialty-area. This ensures a diverse group with a role for all participants. Furthermore, it simultaneously avoids concerns regarding internal competition.
Once placed in a group, we encourage you to invite other professionals you know whom you believe will also find this a productive endeavor. This gives you an opportunity to select people you know and respect. In this way, our six dinner meetings per year are productive, fun and informative.
If you're interested, feel free to drop us a line.
If there's not a group in your area, let us know and we can work to create one.
Lastly, feel free to contact me with any questions or requests. I'd be glad to chat.