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Bethesda/Rockville Interdisciplinary Collaborative Dinner: 10/4, 6:30pm. Please RSVP, ASAP. Thanks for your referrals and commitment.

Happy End of Summer!
Our next expanding DC Interdisciplinary Collaborative Dinner, 10/4 at 6:30, PM RSVP.   Location announcement with confirmation

Agenda for the fall, as time allows. Your feedback, input: welcome.

Starting with new member introductions: practice/work/successes/philosophies/strategies/methods, as well as updates of clinical innovations you feel most important.  We have discussed a magizine ad and a web site  You audience/our group is eager to learn what you are up to.  Plan 3-5 minutes, then ask for questions.  Refine for the group present as new members join or there may be guests from neighboring groups.  If your talk has new info and is engaging, there are often questions.  Ideally, there will be time to discuss the groups goals for the year, branding, etc.   

Agenda for the Fall:

  1. Create highly functional collaborations not only between complementary practices but also between everyone who participates as well as between groups, especially for those of the same discipline.  Those with the most synergy: connect between dinners. 
  2. Strategic referrals with a transference of good will, information and understanding using Facebook,, Instagram and Google Groups 
  3. Ideas that interface with the public, institutions, social media and presentation to the public.
  4. What other disciplines?  Who would our community benefit?  Who would you like to see?
  5. Lecture series for the public?   This could be evening with one presenter per session in a public and local space.  Needed:  a concrete proposal and commitment to a comprehensive collaborative series; a separate program that will be on going for those interested.  Or members can initiate on own.
  6. Sharing of offices and teams; etc.
  7. Refer to our other groups,  encourage referrals from those groups and build your relationships with those clinicians. 
  8. Use MC brand and badge, available on your site, linking your commitment to Interdisciplinary Collaboration.
  9. Sharing your work with social media, in emails, on calls, etc really support trust and relationship.  Often, it is simple for colleagues aligned or complementary with you to just see each others offices and/or have lunch and learns.  It is not easy to understand what exactly each other does and how exactly to refer.   Many have had open houses.  

Thank you for your commitment. Few dispute that our health care is in need of interdisciplinary approaches, for every one's sake.   Collaboration works, even if on a basic referral basis.  In NY, DC, NJ, VA & MD we see success even from diverse disciplines.