Our first 2017 Meeting
The Manhattan Collaborative 2/1 @ 6:30PM
Sarabeth's SE Corner, 27th & Park Ave NYC 10010
(The Gotham Group: @ Sarabeth's on 1/31)
Dear Members -
Happy, happy new year.
2016 was a humbling year for me.
As in every year, I've encountered plenty of wake up calls. And as always, they're all needed for growth and evolution. They're all helpful in the long run.
My personal commitment to my health and our group continues to grow.
I'm closer my family, myself, friends & a bit older.
Incrementally, I learn how to better develop Metro Collaborative.
And at our group meetings, I know we learned a great deal this past year - personally and professionally.
And for 2017, I'm focused on consolidating our groups, with innovation and strategy. I would like, along with my team, to create new ways for our groups to serve your professional, and possibly, your interests.
2017 presents new opportunities for us to grow, as we welcome new members in every group. We also have a second group in Maryland, starting next month.
So I'm very grateful for how this new year has started.
Let's kickstart our new year with a spirited meeting - where we can apply lessons and tell important stories.
Let's listen to each other to draw out what is essential.
Let's attract other independent clinicians and health care innovators.
I know it is not always easy for some members to come and consistently participate with us given their schedule - but - I feel, if you do make that extra effort, there is great opportunity for your own growth on a few levels.
See metrocollaborative.com for updates over the next few weeks.
Consider who else might be a fit for us.
Over time, I know that we've learned as a collective, and hopefully as individual clinicians, who might serve our group better.
For our next meeting, consider how you will be listened to by your peers and what you and your practice might benefit in sharing or receiving help with, through collaboration with others.
If you have any thoughts, questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me as always, by email, skype, in person or phone:
Thanks again,
Bill Dennis
PS -
If you find the chance - please "like" us on Facebook through the link on the bottom of this email.
We're looking to build our social media presence!
Thanks again -