Emily Ireland, CST
CranioSacral and Somatic Movement Therapist
Harmony Healing Therapy
795 Columbus Avenue,
New York, New York 10025
(646) 535-7784
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. ― Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms "
Emily Ireland facilitates new levels of healing for the body and mind. A craniosacral therapist and remote somatic healer, she assists in releasing a variety of physical disorders and emotional-spiritual blockages. Emily is an alumna of Sarah Lawrence College, Stella Adler Conservatory, the Kane School of Core Integration, and the Upledger Institute and has studied modern dance, functional anatomy, pilates and yoga for more than two decades. She also incorporates her training in methods such as Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, and Body-Mind Centering. Emily’s teachers have been physical therapists, acupuncturists, and other highly skilled bodyworkers, and it was through her own experience of injury and recovery that she first entered the world of healing. She has therefore developed a level of skill that comes from a rehabilitative background and of an understanding of classical Chinese medical philosophy. Emily obtained her degree in Eastern and Western health sciences at New York College of Health Professions and was first introduced to craniosacral therapy in 2004 by Kelly Kane. She has since continued her training in this and other hands-on healing techniques such as visceral manipulation through the International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners. Emily is currently in private practice, based in Manhattan.
Emily is in the empowerment practice to help others heal by helping individuals heal themselves first. She works remotely or in person. Following is a list of some of the conditions which Emily has treated with significantly improved results:
central nervous system disorders
joint pain and orthopedic problems
sprains and strains
postural misalignment
hip joint dysfunction
back pain
women's health issues
urinary bladder dysfunction
pneumonia and respiratory infection
thyroid disorders
digestive disorders
gastric reflux
disc herniation
shoulder impingement
TMJ/jaw pain and dysfunction
sinus problems
facial asymmetry
sleep apnea
weight issues
headache and migraine
eye pain
vision problems
teeth and gum problems
pre- and post-surgical recovery
physical and emotional trauma
addiction disorders
pelvic floor dysfunction