NOVA Dinner - 01/10/18


When our NOVA Group came together on Wednesday, January 10th, we talked a great deal about individual service and healthcare challenges that we along with our community faces.

Dawn McGruder, CPA, President of The McGruder Group & Carmel Wiseman, a chiropractor that works with all ages but specializes in working with infants, touched on the need for clients and patients to reach out to them before being in financial trouble or excruciating pain. Whether someone has questions about tax planning or feels as if they have some discomfort they should reach out to a qualified and trusted professional to help them avoid costly mistakes and unnecessary suffering.


Ellen Purcell, Chuck Purcell, and Kathleen Cote, CFP® talked discussed happiness and how they affect a person's health and happiness.  While Ellen and Chuck approach relationships in from a person to person interrelationship lens, Kathleen approaches it from a financial point of view. Regardless of how practitioners encourage their clients' needs, it is often the interplay between people and essential aspects of life like finances which play a significant role in their overall quality of life.

Gene Sambataro, Phyllis Heffner, and Marilyn Blackston examined the use of EFT with coaching, along with other ways to enhance positivity and mitigate anxiety in their patients.  They also addressed the use of micro-nutrients and near-infrared light therapy in stimulating brain function and activity.

Members also added some interesting insights into the fundamental aspects of running a practice, how to improve productivity, and what challenges may arise.


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